Requirements for the Appointment of Training Analysts and Interim Training Analysts
This document complements the Procedural Code entry entitled ‘Requirements for Qualification and Admission to IPA Membership’.
Section one: Training Analysts
1. The requirements in this document are intended to guide Constituent Organisations or Institutes which are specifically charged with the responsibilities of training, qualifying and granting membership to individuals. This includes selection of those to whom the function of Training Analyst is to be granted. The IPA recognises that some Constituent Organisations or Institutes do not appoint Training Analysts. The requirements in this document thus only apply where Constituent Organisations or Institutes choose to appoint Training Analysts.
2. The IPA does not appoint Training Analysts except where IPA Sponsoring Committees, Regional Institutes and the China Committee are responsible for the appointment of Training Analysts within Study Groups and other IPA development programmes. (The IPA does, however, appoint Interim Training Analysts – see Section Two of this document.)
3. Recognising the many differences among Constituent Organisations regarding Training Analysts, general and descriptive words have been used deliberately to give latitude to each Constituent Organisation and Institute to decide how they wish to implement these requirements. The IPA’s requirements outlined in this document are minimum requirements. Constituent Organisations and Institutes are free to exceed these minimum requirements as they judge appropriate. Elements of training analyst procedures adopted by Constituent Organisations and Institutes which exceed the IPA minimum requirements will be regarded as consistent with IPA requirements.
4. The function of Training Analyst is not automatically transferable if a Training Analyst member of one Constituent Organisation becomes a member of another Constituent Organisation.
5. In this document the term 'Training Analyst' is used descriptively to designate an analyst who has been officially recognised by a Constituent Organisation or Institute as being qualified to analyse candidates.
6. Although a Training Analyst may also accept other responsibilities such as teaching, supervising, evaluation etc., which are necessary activities in carrying out a training programme, the analysis of candidates is considered to be the specific function which differentiates a Training Analyst from other analysts in a Constituent Organisation or Institute.
Preliminary Requirements for Eligibility as a Potential Training Analyst
7. To be considered for Training Analyst status within a Constituent Organisation or Institute, a member must have achieved or met the following requirements and be willing to be evaluated for Training Analyst status.
a) Recognition by the Constituent Organisation or Institute of the satisfactory completion of the formal requirements of an approved training programme or the equivalent thereof, including an analysis with an analyst officially recognised by the Constituent Organisation or Institute as qualified to analyse candidates (where applicable), completion of course requirements, and satisfactory treatment of required supervised cases.
b) Recognition by the Constituent Organisation or Institute of the ability to practise analysis without supervision.
c) Completion of 5 years’ experience of unsupervised psychoanalytic treatments after obtaining official qualification and election to membership in the Constituent Organisation or Institute. This experience should include the treatments of at least 4 cases of non-psychotic adults.
d) A demonstrable interest in the practice of psychoanalysis as shown in the proportion of professional time devoted to it in the past as well as in the present.
e) A demonstrable interest in and knowledge of psychoanalytical theories as evidenced by scientific writings, participation in scientific discussions, teachings etc.
f) Compliance with the IPA’s Principles of Ethics 2B ‘For All Psychoanalysts and Candidates’ listed in the IPA Procedural Code entry ‘Ethical Principles and Procedures’.
g) Qualification as a child and adolescent psychoanalyst and/or the psychoanalytic treatment of children or adolescents should be regarded as an additional advantage.
Procedures for Selection
8. The Training Analyst function should be granted only by a group officially charged with this responsibility by the Constituent Organisation or Institute concerned. It is recommended that such a group should be composed of Training Analysts.
9. The decision on the appointment of a Training Analyst should be based on an evaluation of those who meet the requirements in paragraph 7 above. The evaluation should include the following:
a) The quality and quantity of past and current clinical work as judged on the basis of a written summary of past and current psychoanalytical practice, including a statement indicating the proportion of professional time devoted to it, and a presentation of detailed, in-depth clinical material as evidence of the quality of work.
b) Knowledge of psychoanalytical theories as demonstrated by a capacity to formulate and communicate theoretical ideas.
c) Knowledge of and capacity to comply with the IPA’s Principles of Ethics 2B ‘For All Psychoanalysts and Candidates’ listed in the IPA Procedural Code entry ‘Ethical Principles and Procedures’.
Indications of involvement in the psychoanalytical activities within the Constituent Organisation or Institute, including a willingness to accept administrative responsibilities.
10. The reasons for not granting Training Analyst status to an applicant should be given if requested.
11. Written procedures should be established which provide a means by which an analyst can ask for a re-evaluation if refused by the selection group.
Periodic re-evaluation
12. It is recommended that written procedures should be established for the periodic re-evaluation of a Training Analyst's capacity to continue to exercise Training Analyst functions.
Information about Training Analyst Procedures
13. The procedures for initial selection as a Training Analyst and for appeals against refusals should be clearly stated in writing. It is recommended that the procedures for the periodic re-evaluation of Training Analysts, if adopted, should also be clearly stated in writing. All such written document should be made known to members of the Constituent Organisation or Institute.
Regional Institutes and the China Committee
14. Those in charge of training in the Regional Institutes (the PIEE and ILAP) and the China Committee are authorised to appoint Training Analysts in the areas that they cover, provided they do so according to the requirements above, with the exception that they may reduce the 5 year requirement in 7c above given the lack of psychoanalytic experience in some countries. Training Analysts appointed in this way shall last only as long as those making the appointments determine. It does not matter where the analyses are carried out, only the country of origin of the candidates. On a case-by-case basis, those in charge of training will determine which functions approved Training Analysts may cover: to conduct training analyses or supervisions or take part in the selection or evaluation of candidates. Analyst appointed to carry out limited Training Analyst functions or who are appointed for a limited time will be informed in writing of these limits and will not be marked as Training Analysts (TA) in the IPA’s on line roster.
Study Groups
15. Sponsoring Committees are authorized to appoint Training Analysts providing they do so using the requirements listed above in paragraphs 7 to 13. In order to address the problem of development in new groups, Sponsoring Committees may also authorize IPA Members to perform training analysis functions on a temporary basis. This option is open to IPA Members in Study Groups who are practicing analysts, are active in the Study Group, participate in its scientific activities, and have been IPA Members (or Direct Members) for at least 3 years. Applicants for this temporary status will provide details of their experience in psychoanalytic treatments and will be assessed by the Sponsoring Committee on the basis of a clinical presentation of a recent case. If approved they will be authorised to carry out standard analysis (not shuttle) with a maximum of 3 candidates, who will have passed a selection interview. Temporary training analysts must commit to be in regular supervision with a senior Training Analyst for at least the first candidate and in consultation for the remaining two. This status will be reviewed by the Sponsoring Committee after two years. Temporary training analysts will not be marked as Training Analysts (TA) in the IPA’s on line roster. When approving an IPA Member for a temporary training analyst role the Sponsoring Committee must ensure that the Member receives the terms of this approval in writing before beginning work.
Periodic Re-evaluation procedure guidelines for Regional Institutes, the China Committee and Study Groups
16. Such procedures will apply only to full Training Analysts regularly appointed after not less than 5 years of IPA membership; temporary Training Analysts and Interim Training Analyst appointments are already time limited. Training analyst appointments in Study Groups, Regional Institutes and with the China Committee will be limited to a period of 5 years. After this period, TAs should apply for renewal in writing to the Chair of the SC or those in charge of training in Regional Institutes or the China Committee. All subsequent re-appointments will be subject to review every 5 years. In the case of Study Groups it would depend on the length of time the group remains a Study Group. Once the group has become a provisional Society the TA’s would apply for renewal to the Education Committee of the Group in line with the Provisional Societies own procedures.
Re-evaluation should include the following considerations:
a) Active participation to the scientific life of the Study Group/ Regional Institute and willingness to accept administrative responsibility in the respective institution.
b) Active participation to peer clinical groups, ongoing consultation/intervision with a senior Training Analyst.
c) Awareness and capacity to comply with the IPA’s current Ethical Code.
d) The Chair of the Sponsoring Committee and of the Regional Institute will inform the ING Chair and the ING Manager of unsuccessful re-evaluations.
e) If the TA fails a re-evaluation the Chair of the Sponsoring Committee/Regional Institute may suspend the TA Status giving clear reasons for the suspension including recommendations on how to address the issues. A time frame should be suggested for when a reassessment might be viable. The suspended TA must be given the opportunity to appeal against the decision and they should be given details about how they can do this. A general appeals process must be written into the Study Group/Regional Institute Procedures for this and other such circumstances.
Section 2: Interim training analysts
1) The appointment of Interim Training Analysts by the IPA is restricted to specific countries (or groups of countries) in which there are no IPA Institutes available to train candidates and where there are insufficient numbers of IPA Members to form Study Groups that can be expected to develop into Provisional and then Component Societies within a reasonable period of time. This procedure does not apply in those countries, or parts of countries, covered by the the Han Groen-Prakken Psychoanalytic Institute for Eastern Europe (PIEE) and the Latin American Psychoanalytic Institute (ILAP) as these Institutes are authorised to appoint their own Training Analysts (see Section One, paragraph 14 above).
2) t is hoped that the possibility of being appointed an Interim Training Analyst will attract experienced, but younger IPA Members, who are not yet Training Analysts but who are likely to become Training Analysts in their own Institutes. Because there are insufficient Training Analysts or senior IPA Members available in some countries, the Interim Training Analyst concept is needed if psychoanalysis is to grow in these countries. Younger colleagues might find it an appealing career opportunity to spend some time in a region remote from their home in order to help start psychoanalytic training where it had not been developed before.
Appointment of Interim Training Analysts
3) Interim Training Analysts are appointed by the IPA Board on the recommendation of the IPA New Groups Committee for the purpose of supporting the development of psychoanalysis in countries where there are no IPA Constituent Organisations or Institutes.
Selection of Interim Training Analysts
4) Applicants for Interim Training Analyst status may be selected in two ways. The IPA New Groups Committee may ask an analyst if he or she would be willing to accept such an appointment. Alternatively, analysts who became aware of the need for an Interim Training Analyst in a specific country may apply to the IPA New Groups Committee for consideration. Irrespective of the route by which the potential Interim Training Analyst applies, the IPA New Groups Committee will not make the appointment.
5) The selections themselves should be made by a Constituent Organisation designated by the Board for this purpose. This would normally be (but does not have to be) the Constituent Organisation to which the IPA Member belongs.
6) The procedure for selecting an Interim Training Analyst should be the same as the procedure used by the Constituent Organisation for appointing Training Analysts, and must meet the requirements in Section One of this document. Where no such procedures apply, the Constituent Organisation should be asked to make special arrangements to assess the applicant. Such special arrangements must meet the requirements in Section One of this document.
Authority of Interim Training Analysts
7) On a case-by-case basis, the IPA New Groups Committee will determine whether an approved Interim Training Analyst may conduct supervisions or training analyses or both.
8) Supervisions and training analyses conducted by Interim Training Analysts, provided the function is approved by the IPA New Groups Committee, shall count towards a candidate’s training for qualification for IPA Membership.
Appointment Term
9) The appointment of Interim Training Analysts shall be for three years, and is renewable by the Board on the recommendation of the IPA New Groups Committee.
Change Log
Training Analyst section approved for previous version of Procedural Code, which originated from the recommendations of the Working Party on Minimum Requirements for Acquiring and Maintaining the Function of Training Analyst in 1983.
Interim Training Analyst section originally approved by the Executive Council January 1997.
Both sections incorporated into one and the whole document revised and approved by the Board in principle in January 2007, with final approval in March 2007.
Temporary Training Analyst status option added for Sponsoring Committees, Board January 2015.
New paragraph 16 added outlining the periodic re-evaluation procedure guidelines for Regional Institutes and Study Groups, approved July 2015.
Additions to give authority to appoint Training Analysts to the China Committee, approved July 2017.
*This change record is for background information only and does not form part of the Procedural Code. If there is any conflict between a statement in the Procedural Code and a statement in this change record, the change record will be disregarded.